Relocation to a new home is always thrilling but at the same time comes with a lot of complications. In addition to the logistics of having to pack and manage removalists, there are other considerations to explore such as electricity. The choice of the right electricity plan can be quite crucial to the household budget and the comfort which the household enjoys. To assist the homeowners in Australia to select the best electricity plans when they are moving, here are some tips to consider.

Understand Your Energy Needs

Before comparing different electricity plans, you should find out how much energy is required by your home. Consider these factors:

  • The number of individuals in a home will determine the amount of energy that will be consumed in the home. An important thing that should not be missing while analyzing this correlation is the fact that the larger families consume more power.
  • Compare your consumption rates of energy with your major appliances you use on a daily basis. As an example, items such as an air conditioning unit, a heater and electric water heater are some of the many that have a high power demand.
  • Lifestyle practices also play a role such as what you do each day. For example, if you work from home or a large part of your time is spent at home, you are likely to consume more electricity than a person who is away from home most of the time.

Research Electricity Providers

The electricity supply industry in Australia is well developed, and consumers can choose from numerous energy retailers, including AGL, Origin Energy, and EnergyAustralia. To have a better understanding of the available rates and services that every company offers, make a comparison. There are websites like Energy Made Easy governed by the Australian government to assist in making comparisons on different plans depending on your location and power consumption.

The majority of the providers have offers and deals for their customers such as newcomers or those who pay their bills regularly or through direct debits. Such rebates can reduce your energy expenses however, make sure you know details about that.

Consider the Tariff Type

Electrcity plans usually have two main tariff types

  • Flat Rate Tariff: It means that the tariff to electricity is the same all the day, which can be very good if the electricity consumption hardly varies.
  • Time of Use Tariff: Charge varies with periods of the day, especially the peak, shoulder, and off peak hours. This can be advantageous if you can have more power during periods of low tariffs.

Understand Contract Terms

Most electric companies will offer a contract for their electricity plan, so be sure to read all the details carefully. Here are some key points to consider

  • Contract Length: Some may extend from short-term arrangements with clauses that have no lock-in period to multi-year deals. Think about your future goals and whether you value flexibility in the workplace.
  • Exit Fees: Some of the tariffs have exit penalties, which means if you wish to change your provider before the set time, you will incur some amount of charges. Make sure you are conversant with these terms.
  • Renewable Energy Options: If you consider sustainability as essential, then you have to make sure that the providers offering the green energy plans. These plans purchase power from renewable resources of energy like the wind and solar energy.

Use Experienced Removalist Services

Hiring professional removalist services to ensure that the whole process is as easy as possible. Commercial moving services have worked for businesses to relocate them with minimum disturbance to their work and do it within a short time. They can also connect you with reliable electricity providers in your new space.

Think About Relocating to Those Cities with Favorable Tariffs

Essentials like electricity are some of the most highly priced aspects that can differ significantly between cities or regions in Australia. Here are some examples:

  • Sydney: Sydney in particular has a diverse and liberal electricity market that is saturated with numerous companies that offer differential rates and bonuses.
  • Melbourne: With great culture, Melbourne also enjoys reasonable tariffs on electricity. If you live in Victoria and are looking for the best energy deals, then the Victorian government’s Victorian Energy Compare website is the place to visit.
  • Brisbane: When it comes to energy prices in Queensland, it is crucial to understand that both local and state-level factors can come into play. This way can be helpful for those who haven’t decided what provider to choose as you can compare prices on different plans.

Utilize Technology to Track Your Consumption

After selecting the desired electricity plan, the application of technology in tracking usage may assist in cost regulation. Most of the providers today provide real time usage through online interfaces or mobile apps. Smart meters are also becoming common, offering you specific data of your consumption habits.

Tips for a Smooth Transition

To make sure your electricity service transition goes smoothly when moving

  • Inform your current electricity provider about your intended relocation at least three weeks to the event. They will schedule final meter reading before closing your account.
  • Call a new electricity supplier to establish a connection of power in your new home before relocating there.
  • If there are other services besides electricity you wish to have connected or transferred from your old address, make arrangements for these concurrently.


Picking the right electricity plan when moving is crucial for homeowners. By understanding your energy needs, comparing providers, considering tariff types, and using discounts, you can find a plan that fits your lifestyle and budget. Hiring experienced electricity service providers can also simplify the process, letting you focus on settling into your new home. Whether you are moving to Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane, a little research and planning can make the transition smooth and cost-effective.